
Arrival Installment 70

Sunday 5 November 2023

On to Installment 71

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Departure — The Mystery of God 11
November: Full Circle

Sunday, November 5, 2023 1:30 am

1. Once you discover your true Self, underneath what you formerly thought of as you, it starts to grow and mature. Then it becomes the primary operating system of the body. The system that produced "you" is now secondary. Your true Self is your soul or none other than God Herself, the Mother of All Creation, the great and powerful Divine Feminine energy. She became you and when that happened, a realization occurred.

2. There never really was a separate you. It just seemed that way. It was just God's programming that allowed Her to hide from Herself for a vast collection of lifetimes. It was then, God who assumed control and grew and grew and grew until She became the Christ, God in mankind, God as a character, God playing roles with compassion and love for all. Instead of the programming playing the roles with fear and not knowing about love and truth, it was God, playing the same roles in a different way, affecting all She meets.

3. God is a family and once an individual soul rejoins the family of God, it keeps its own collection of experiences that make you, you. The investment paid off. It returned a huge dividend. God now has new family members with specific talents and abilities, all exhibited with unconditional love toward all the other parts of God, even those who are still in the dark about what's really going on here, those in the earliest stages of development.

4. It was God all along, sisters and brothers. God mastered you. You didn't master yourself. You allowed God to master you, simply by stepping out of the way. If there really isn't a separate self, how could you do anything but spin in circles?

5. It is the great and mysterious God who gives meaning and purpose to any life by adding that life to Her vast body, Her vast collection of souls, all with the singular focus of serving love.

6. I will be with you again in a month's time when we will conclude this series and hear from Jesus about a new monthly series for 2024 and 2025. Exciting times!

7. With love as our guide,
Mother Mary (or better put, God as Mother Mary)

End Time: 2:08 am

Image: Christina Strutt
Chroma, Westford MA, 4 Dec 2022

On to Installment 71

Back to Installment 69