
Arrival Installment 69

Sunday 1 October 2023

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Departure — The Mystery of God 10
October: Microcosm of God

Sunday, October 1, 2023 6:00 am

1. Greetings to all who may be reading this important series. We are winding down and are getting to the most essential parts. I will save my special announcement for the end of today's segment, so keep reading everyone.

2. A microcosm of God is exactly what it sounds like, it is connected through awareness to all other parts of God. It is when God has claimed an individual as part of him/her/it and uses them functionally to do its bidding for benevolent purposes. Imagine growing a new arm. Imagine an octopus. Imagine a corporation that opens a new office. We have used this analogy of having a Christ office before. This is what being a microcosm of God entails. It is when you are still you, but you have a new purpose in life here on the magical earth canvas.

3. Is being Christ the same as being a microcosm of God? Yes, it is. It is when you are informed by all that is God or the network of God, about what is needed in your locality and inspiration is provided on what you can do as a response, whether that may be an act or an extension of loving support (a blessing).

4. You see, God is at his/her/its best when it has representation, and representation is fulfilled through proximity. So, the octopus must be close enough to reach something. An office must be open in a community to be of service to it.

5. Imagine this. Imagine there being no God representation for miles and miles around. This has been the unfortunate reality here for too long. When God has mastered an individual, that individual becomes a new microcosm for it. For what exactly, you may ask? For unconditional love, that's what!

6. Does this mean you walk around and act holy and pious? Hell no. You serve love in your own style and your own way, the way that only you can. You are still you when you serve as a microcosm of God, but you are enhanced by God's grace and have rejoined the fold, after decades of thinking that God is in the sky somewhere and that he/she/it doesn't have much to do with little ole you. To the contrary, dear ones. To the contrary.

7. And now for my announcement. Jesus will join us for the December installment, which will also be the end of the Departure: Mystery of God series. He will let us know what to expect in 2024 and beyond support-wise, so stay tuned. The future looks bright in these parts.

8. With love as our guide, Mother Mary

End Time: 6:40 am

Image: Christina Strutt
Chroma, Westford MA, 4 Dec 2022

On to Installment 70

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