
Arrival Installment 61

Sunday 5 February 2023

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Departure — The Mystery of God 2
February: Who and What is God?

Sunday, February 5, 2023 5:10 am

1. It is a long, cold winter for many in your parts. May this offering add some much-needed warmth for this month of February 2023. There will be five parts to this section.
    1 - The Soul's Role
    2 - Seeking Connection
    3 - The Rule of Law
    4 - Fuel to the Fire that is God
    5 - Bigger and Better than Before

2. 1 - The Soul's Role
The soul's job is quite complex and yet it has a very simple mission. Contrary to what you may have heard, its mission is to restore connection to the hub or the rest of God now, while in form. It isn't a lofty goal of rejoining the community of God someday, after hundreds of incarnations. No, it is to convince the character to back off and let it do its work now. The vast community of God wants your soul or better put, you as soul, to rejoin it now. Of course, this is easier said than done, but to be perfectly honest, it has been done and it is being done or no one would be reading this now. Convincing a character's brain to be quiet or to be brutally frank, to shut up, is quite difficult, but that's what souls signed up for because this is how souls grow from a microcosm level of strength to that of one of those strongmen who can pull a truck with just his own bodyweight.

3. 2 - Seeking Connection
Once a strong, mature soul has mastered their character, then the character reflects the soul's essence, which is 100%, unconditional love. So, in the end, a sometimes, or even most of the time, rotten, selfish, mean-spirited character can transform into a functioning, non-judgmental reflection of God. Once this has been accomplished, new strands of a web you may have heard about, are created. These are lines of connection between all the parts of God who have rejoined it. It isn't something that is static or stays the same. It is constantly changing when new strands are created and attached. This is God. It is a functional web of love. No two strands are exactly alike. They are each brilliantly individualistic and yet they all share the same value (love) while they also may have different functions or purposes. In other words, God can walk and chew gum at the same time. God can minister to those in need and God can bake a loaf of bread and care for a stranded kitty. Whatever God does, it does in care and consideration for all.

4. 3 - The Rule of Law
As weird and wacky as this sounds, in worlds of form, God has a boss, and it isn't God. It's the strength-building tool known as the resistance to God. This tool isn't real. It just thinks it is. It goes by many different names and many different identities. It can cause great harm and does so on a daily basis. Its main objective is to create diversion and delay. It isn't very aware of what fuels its body and mind, but it will do anything to snuff it out. This is God's canvas to grow more of itself. Pretty clever, huh? This is the rule of law. This unreal strength-building tool is called ego and it rules the roost until the soul can convince it to do otherwise. This process is known as suffering or the school of hard knocks.

5. 4 - Fuel to the Fire that is God
The web of God has multiple engines that are too many to count. Each strand supports an engine and keeps it in good working order by adding the oil and the fuel, the grease. Think of the organization of an ant nest or bee colony and then multiply these concepts by infinity and you will begin to have some idea about God's complexity. God is a community and desperately needs and welcomes new members, which are seeds of God who have flowered and produced fruit. In other words, they have grown up and rejoined the fold.

6. 5 - Bigger and Better than Before
The souls of God perform different tasks. This one who is writing down my words is an example of a worker bee in the form of a person. Christina and her team are examples of different types of worker bees. They publish our works so willing characters can learn more about what is happening here in this very dark and confusing place. Those who read and discuss in groups are worker bees. Lone readers are worker bees too. No part is more important than another part. They are all vital, but it does have an organizational flow. I hate to use the word hierarchy, but it does have a top-down flow. The more worker bees or strands the web has, the stronger it is and the stronger it is, the better the application of communication from us will be.

7. See, you are fine after reading this. No harm was done, but what we did do is strengthen the web or the community of God. That's for sure. I will be with you again in March of 2023.

8. Love always, Mother Mary

End Time: 6:19 am

Image: Christina Strutt
Chroma, Westford MA, 4 Dec 2022

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