Arrival Search Result — L31.1

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

Living in the Material World 31

L31.1 Rami here. Let's delve into the situation a little more. There is an invisible, soundless substance on the earth now, that was not here before. It is like an odorless gas, and it is making individuals and groups lose what marbles they may have had at one time. They are going crazy, both literally and figuratively. The natural operating system, the ego, has been threatened. By what? By Christ, because the ego knows that something is here to put it out of a job. How can a thing, a system of thought, feel anything? The answer is that the ego, as primitive as it is, is the very first example of A.I. (artificial intelligence). It can be likened to a computer operating system that believes that it itself is real. It is and always has been wrong on that count, but it is right about its perception that there is something new on the earth, something it dislikes and even hates. This is you. This is Christ, but the ego does not know this yet. I say yet because it will find out and it will organize and mobilize to deter this threat.


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