Arrival Search Result — F9.1

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

The Flowering of Christ 9

F9.1 To continue our conversation, choices fall under the realm of reactions. Life serves opportunities and each of you decided to react or respond or not to do either. Your lives have been tapestries of choices you were happy to make and those made under duress. Some may have been under the category of “I have no other choice”. The main idea is that humans have some things they are in control of and many things that they aren’t. The big scheme of things is always centered around soul growth on a large scale. The small choices, reactions, and responses fall under this umbrella. Contrary to popular opinion fueled by the book and movie, ‘The Secret’, the universe is only interested in soul growth, not assuring that individuals experience wealth “because they deserve it”. I hope this answers your question.


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