Arrival Search Result — F19.2

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

The Flowering of Christ 19

F19.2 Now, I wish to turn the tables. Instead of leading a discussion, I want you to each answer a few questions. I already know the answers, but I want you to hear your own answers and bring some things up to the surface of your own consciousness.
1. Why are you here? What led you to be part of this series each week?
2. Is living a life of unconditional love harder or easier than you first imagined?
3. What have you as Christ encountered thus far in your own life experience? How has your Christ-led life compared/contrasted with your former ego-led life?
4. If Christ is compared to a butterfly, what things/ideas/concepts have you let go of, to be able to fly freely and unencumbered?
5. Now that the Easter season is upon us, how has the concept of resurrection applied to your own life as Christ?


Read the complete text of Installment 24 which contains Chapter 19

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