Arrival Search Result — D2.2

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

Departure—The Mystery of God 2
February: Who and What is God?

D2.2 1 - The Soul’s Role
The soul’s job is quite complex and yet it has a very simple mission. Contrary to what you may have heard, its mission is to restore connection to the hub or the rest of God now, while in form. It isn’t a lofty goal of rejoining the community of God someday, after hundreds of incarnations. No, it is to convince the character to back off and let it do its work now. The vast community of God wants your soul or better put, you as soul, to rejoin it now. Of course, this is easier said than done, but to be perfectly honest, it has been done and it is being done or no one would be reading this now. Convincing a character’s brain to be quiet or to be brutally frank, to shut up, is quite difficult, but that’s what souls signed up for because this is how souls grow from a microcosm level of strength to that of one of those strongmen who can pull a truck with just his own bodyweight.


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