Arrival Search Result — L7.1

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

Living in the Material World 7

L7.1 Greetings. It is I, Rami. Change is always uncomfortable and even the prospect of change can be upsetting, but please remember that virtually nothing in the human world is based in truth. If we are to successfully intervene, things must change or the world will always be a missed opportunity, a thing that could have been but wasn't. Comfort and convenience are highly prized commodities but all they really do is make sure that things never change. We don't want the earth to be a place where souls can come to play dress-up and make believe any longer. If a soul comes here, it will be with a firm understanding of the condition being that they always be themselves, a reflection of the very God they are part of. Nothing less will be acceptable. We've been tolerant of the vilest of behaviors because the involved characters would not heed to their souls pleading, but no more. Why should God plead? Why should God wring her hands and say, “he wouldn't listen.” How can God harm other parts of God? The paradox that makes no sense will not be tolerated any longer. If this sounds harsh, it is. The tough love approach will only be the beginning of our plan to regain control of the beautiful earth from those who are not fully invested in love and there are, unfortunately, plenty of them.


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