Arrival Search Result — FR8.2

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

The Flowering of Christ—Resurrection 8

FR8.2 The group of Christs who I Am speaking to now has followed both Jesus and me in the sense of succeeding us as examples of being God in mankind. You have more background and knowledge of both the ego and your true Self, the soul. This complete educational background has prepared you to simply be that. When you’re off track, just remember your true identity to operate from a place of love once again. This is a day in history when the concept of not just being Christ-like, but being Christ is needed as an example more than ever. You each show that it is, indeed, possible to leave the world of ego forever and still be in the world, blessing and doing. Your attention and willingness to be involved in this most important work, have been noticed and appreciated.


Read the complete text of Installment 47 which contains The Flowering of Christ — Resurrection 8

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