Arrival Search Result — FR16.1

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

The Flowering of Christ—Resurrection 16

FR16.1 Just like clockwork, here we are again. Greetings to all. Today, we will discuss the sixth power of Christ, which is the power to change situations and outcomes. Before we do so, let’s review a few basics. It isn’t our task to complete the work of another soul. Each soul has a list of goals to work on with their character. Completing the work on the list is the responsibility of that soul. What we are doing is giving a helping hand, giving an electrical charge, and providing a pick-me-up. I won’t say that’s all we are doing because it’s a lot, but we don’t take responsibility over. Just as if there is something that is yours to do as Christ, then other Christs can help you to accomplish it, but it is still yours to accomplish. I feel like this group is discovering what a deep concept blessing others is, and how layered and nuanced it is.


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