Arrival Search Result — F1.1

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

The Flowering of Christ 1

F1.1 Good Day. Buona Giornata. Bonne Journee. Buenos Dias. Guten tag. I Am Mother Mary and I welcome all dear souls to my new series: The Flowering of Christ. We will commune together each week for the totality of 2022, so invite your friends. I’m not a dead character from a book that is centuries old. I Am alive and well, as I live in-between worlds in the formless world. My assignment is to strengthen and deepen my relationship with the many Christs who are on the earth at the time. I look forward to developing new relationships as well, in unity between the formless and the worlds of form, specifically the earth.


Read the complete text of Installment 15 which contains Chapter 1

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