Arrival Search Result — D6.2

© 2021-2024 Richard Curtis Greathouse

Departure—The Mystery of God 6
June: The Sky’s the Limit

D6.2 The biggest obstacle or hurdle the soul of God must face in each human is habit, years and years of habitual dependency and reliance on the ego. This is hard to crack, but it is also where the soul can shine if given the chance. It reminds the character that it is there and that it wants to speak. If the character will listen for just a moment, then all perceived problems and stress will stop. That’s the reward. The more the soul is allowed to speak and express, the more rewards of peace will result. Eventually, speaking leads to expression and expression leads to identity change. The character who was once alone to fight for itself in the world is now part of the entity of God, a functioning part of the web of love and service to itself, the All of All.


Read the complete text of Installment 65 which contains Month 6

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